Join the Many WomenWho Are
Restoring Their Wellness.
- Register now to be the FIRST notified once we open up the doors to the wellness collective, so that you too can cultivate your own wellness and create a life by design rather than living in the default.
Are you a...
Woman in your early to mid-career?
Do you have things that you'd like to work on or change about your life, but you tell yourself you can't?
Is something missing but you are struggling to pinpoint it?
To your soft place to land...
Empowerment and wellness your way!
Are you ready to...
Fix Whatever Ails You?
Re-cultivate your wellness!
First you will learn to...
Think differently!
When we think differently we take different actions.
Why coaching?
What got you here won't get you there...
So try something new and forge a new path.
You are your own hero...
With a guide you can harness all the tools that are already inside of you and create the balanced life you dream of.
Wellness is an inside job...
you are your own example of what's possible...
Hey There!
I'm Cathi Whaley MD
I was a mid-career healthcare professional, leader, wife, and mom to two special needs boys, who just couldn't figure out how to have permanent wellness. The life I was living did not align with my mission of having permanent personal wellness and did not reflect my priorities. I felt trapped, hopeless, excessively stressed, and defeated. Seeing no way out, I planned to burn my life to the ground and quit being a doctor. AND then I met a coach who guided me in the process of cultivating my own wellness fortunately before I had completed the life burn.
Seeing firsthand how painful it was to feel trapped and hopeless with no foreseeable way to feel better, I decided to embark on coaching certification to share this knowledge.
Now I use what I've learned to help people just like you cultivate permanent wellness.

"I am so glad that I found Cathi, I was burned out to the point of depression with my medical practice and life in general. When I say I was burned out - I mean barely functioning, and Cathi has helped me navigate back to a healthier me. She has helped me through 1:1 coaching to set boundaries, look at situations in a different way, and given me a framework in which to do that. Her model of coaching helps me stop and evaluate whatever situation I am in. Through the tools she has given me, I am putting in the work of making changes for myself. I also enjoy her podcasts, website and the group coaching sessions. I’m an introvert and was nervous to try the group coaching sessions, but I feel like it is safe place to share, and I learn new things from listening to others share their lives. I would highly recommend Cathi as a coach.”
- LS, Physician Mom
Restorative Wellness Coaching Collective Will...
Next Open For Enrollment March 2023
Once you join the notification list, I"ll share more about:
- The process, resources, and structure of the wellness program
- You'll hear stories of how the program has helped other women just like you.
- You'll be the first to know about any brand new free training that I release as well as be first in line when the doors open to Restorative Wellness Coaching Collective.